Forum: Trial server

Here is a forum space for the Install: Trial server.

93. New Installation on Debian Stretch VM


I just make new installation on my VirtualBox.

OS is Debian stretch, with MySQL 5.7

Installation looks ok, I can open the web ui from other station and put Trial License Key.

I Change the external IP to as displayed by shell.
I put normal user 'bino' 

Next I install proPTT2 from playstore.
Add a host manualy.

Try to login with ... failed with msf 'cannot connect server'.

Kindly please help 

Note : I have some screen capture, but no place to attach here

Jul 5 '19 at 04:36 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

'cannot connect server' means
client can not connect to or
Please check whether those ports are opened or not.

About login issue.
Please refer to

Jul 5 '19 at 05:04 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

root@ppt:/home/bino# ip addr
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:56:aa:d8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s3
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe56:aad8/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: enp0s8:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:1c:51:6a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s8
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe1c:516a/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
root@ppt:/home/bino# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
root@ppt:/home/bino# lsof -i -P |grep 8080
java       9266        root   56u  IPv4  26085      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
root@ppt:/home/bino# lsof -i -P |grep 8088
java       9266        root   57u  IPv4  26086      0t0  TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)

Server and Phone are on the same IP network, so I think there is no firewall issue

Jul 5 '19 at 05:32 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

You can check the port status in device side with telnet app.
From out-side, app must connect to the port.

Jul 5 '19 at 06:40 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

my telnet APP did not give enough info.
So I use port scanner app :

Scanned port per :

Result screenshot :


Jul 5 '19 at 07:37 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

Right, I think your server test would be success.
In trying to log in, there would be failure.
You need to check another list in
- Normally host name mismatching is the main issue in a lot of cases.
- And you need to check log files.

If you lost a step in all installation steps, the login would be failure.
You can find it in the check list.

Jul 5 '19 at 07:46 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

I really really appreciate your fast response.

1. I just check : root@ppt:/svc/std-package/logs# tail -f service/PTT.service.log 
and I got :

2019-07-05 07:48:42.228 +0000 NioProcessor-8   INFO  -	SourceFile	a(1630)	Result,, errorCode=200, transaction=23130004
2019-07-05 07:48:42.230 +0000 NioProcessor-8   INFO  -	SourceFile	a(1630)	Result,, errorCode=200, transaction=23130005

2. result of hostname check

3. from catalina.out :
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - call getProvision
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - call getProvision
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.error - HTTP,,/pv/provisionUser,getProvision::noerror::expireCount=-1,leftCount=0,dbUserCount=4,licenseUserCount=10
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - dispatcherCount=0
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - dispatcherCount=0
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - user.getType()=50
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - user.getType()=50
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.access - HTTP,,,,/pv/provisionUser,,200,75


Jul 5 '19 at 08:01 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

In your case, the internal IP can be
So please set the internal IP and must restart all servers.
And you need to check more Tomcat and Loc log also.

Jul 5 '19 at 08:16 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

1. from tomcat : 
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - call getProvision
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - call getProvision
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.error - HTTP,,/pv/provisionUser,getProvision::noerror::expireCount=-1,leftCount=0,dbUserCount=4,licenseUserCount=10
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - dispatcherCount=0
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - dispatcherCount=0
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - user.getType()=50
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.debug - user.getType()=50
INFO : com.imptt.proptt.access - HTTP,,,,/pv/provisionUser,,200,75

2. from LOC.service.log :
2019-07-05 08:21:24.203 +0000 NioProcessor-2   INFO  -	SourceFile	messageReceived(806)	messageReceived ContentType=11, command=22
2019-07-05 08:21:24.206 +0000 NioProcessor-2   INFO  -	SourceFile	a(601)	Result Command=UNREGUSER, ServerId=PTT-0001, errorCode=200

3. nothing from LOC.interaction.log

4. PTT.service.log still the same messages.


Jul 5 '19 at 08:27 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

I have sent email.
Please check it up.

Jul 5 '19 at 09:32 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

Thankyou for your support

Server is tested with windows client and it's work.

I still try to play with android app on my samsung j1.

Login have no error message, but looks like all button are blured.

I'll learn first about the client.

I'll back to report

Jul 9 '19 at 02:56 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

Have a good day

Jul 9 '19 at 03:04 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

Dear Sir.

A. From Android (Samsung J1) :
1. At first, can not join channel.
2. I stop server, and restart it
3. re login, and able to join default channel 1, and there (From PC)
4. Try to PTT , and my voice pop up in PC side ... work well.

B. My friend try with IPhone XS.
1. Login with no problem.
2. Channel list show nothing.
3. I try to manualy link his username to default channel1.
4. He relogin, and channel shown.
5. but can not join channel.
6. try to send 1:1 ptt to me ... success


Update :
Now .. 'magicaly' all working well.
Including video PTT.

Hmmm ... i'll need to deeper look on log.
Could be that the server is to small?

Jul 9 '19 at 08:58 (GMT0) created by Bino Oetomo

Please note 
after channel modification(add/remove user, tot and so on), you must call "sync channel" at channel view page in adminWeb.

Jul 9 '19 at 09:07 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

This is removed.

Jul 5 '19 at 08:26 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev