Forum: Windows

Here is a forum space for SDK: Windows.

412. please guide the flow of organization user invitation

as per SDK documentation which we understood is
1. creating channel using createPTTChannel --> onchannelcreated
2. openPTTChannel --> onChannelOpened
3. PtChannel.invite(2nduser), PtChannel.join() me

the issue is that we receiving wrong channel status sometime 0 sometime 10 even after joined channel 

Dec 4 '24 at 10:23 (GMT0) created by s.hashim

After createPTTChannel, the openPTTChannel would nt be required.
For the detail, please refer to HelloOneToOnePTT od Android in
The process would be same.

Dec 5 '24 at 05:31 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev