Forum: Windows

Here is a forum space for SDK: Windows.

420. getChannelName not returned correct value

namespace ProPTTSDKNet method getChannelName(), getChannelDescription
sdk version 6
getChannelName not returning correct value when when string not in english language
expected result : "%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%88-abc"
its returned : ????
i am using HttpUtility.UrlEncode UrlDecode

Jan 27 '25 at 10:29 (GMT0) created by s.hashim

Unfortunatly, ProPTT2 is not using the C# SDK in ProPTT2 products.
So we don't have enough information about C# SDK.
ProPTT2 is using only C++ SDK.

About the getChannelName(), you need to consider that ProPTT2 use UTF-8 for all character encoding.

Jan 27 '25 at 14:22 (GMT0) created by ProPTT2 dev

This is removed.

Jan 29 '25 at 09:13 (GMT0) created by s.hashim