Reference of IVideoPlugin4

Description of IVideoPlugin4. (Server 9.1.x~ required)

IPTTPlugin5 IPublicGWPlugin IAdminWebPlugin2


In plug-in, developer can use internal API of Video server.


Connection getDBConnection()
DescriptionGet DB connection from DB connection pool in server.
Common library version5.0.x


void writeLog(String message)
messagelog message
DescriptionWrite log in {ProPTT server dir}/logs/service/PTT.service.log
Common library version5.0.x


void writeErrorLog(String message)
messagelog message
DescriptionWrite error log in {ProPTT server dir}/logs/service/PTT.service.log
Common library version5.0.x


void OnInitialized()
DescriptionNotify initialized to PTT server.
Common library version5.0.x



int getInterfaceVersion()
Returnmost be retured INTERFACE_VERSION
DescriptionNotify plug-in's INTERFACE version
Common library version5.0.x


int getType()
Returnmost be retured TYPE_GENERAL_PLUGIN
DescriptionNotify plug-in's type
Common library version5.0.x


boolean initialize(String arg)
Returnresult of initialize
Descriptioninitialize plug-in
Common library version5.0.x


void OnCreated(String userId, int videoChannelId, String videoChannelDescription, boolean isH265, String jsonParams)
userIdconnected user's id
videoChannelIdcreated video channel id
videoChannelDescriptionshared video channel description
isH265whether H265 is used
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionUser connected and create a video channel event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnOpened(String userId, int videoChannelId, String jsonParams)
userIdconnected user's id
videoChannelIdopened video channel id
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionUser connected and open a video channel event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnVideo(int videoChannelId, byte[] subframe)
videoChannelIdopened video channel id
subframevideo frame. see subframe format
Descriptionvideo packet event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnAudio(int videoChannelId, byte[] frame)
videoChannelIdopened video channel id
frameaudio frame. see subframe format
Descriptionaudio packet event
Common library version5.0.x
< subframe format >
MediaTrackIDunsigned short2Media Track
FarmIDshort2Farm’s ID
ChannelIDint4Channel’s ID
Timestampunsigned int4Timestamp
FrameTypebyte10: Media, 1: CodecInfo
FrameInfobyte1Audio(Frame Count)
Video(0x1X:R-0, 0x2X:R-90, 0x3X: R-180, 0x4X:R-270 | 0xX0: Mid, 0xX1:End)
PadCountbyte1Padding size
FrameDatabyte[]Frame's data


void OnClosed(String userId, int videoChannelId);
userIduser's id
videoChannelIdclosed video channel id
DescriptionClose video channel event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnUpload(String userId, long transactionId, int fileChannelId, String createDate, int type, int playTime, String fileName, String jsonParams)
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
fileChannelIdupload file id
createDatecreated date of content
typetype of content, 10:Video, 20:Audio, 30:Picture
fileNameupload file name
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionUser upload event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnDownload(String userId, long transactionId, int fileChannelId, String fileName, String jsonParams
userIddownload user's id
transactionIddownload transactionId unique id
fileChannelIddownload file id
fileNamedownload file name
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionUser download file channel event
Not supported yet
Common library version5.0.x


void OnBulk(String userId, long transactionId, String createDate, byte[] bulkFrame)
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
createDatecreated date of content
bulkFrameraw data
Descriptionupload or download packet event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnStopped(String userId, long transactionId, String createDate);
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
createDatecreated date of content
Descriptionupload or downloa stop event
Common library version5.0.x



void OnUpload(String userId, long transactionId, int pttChannelId, String videoChannelDescription, String startDate, String createDate, int type, int playTime, String fileName, String jsonParams)
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
pttChannelIdPTT channel id to be uploaded
videoChannelDescriptionThe description of upload
createDatefirst date of content
createDatecreated date of content
typetype of content, 10:Video, 20:Audio, 30:Picture
fileNameupload file name
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionUser upload event
Common library version5.0.x
void OnBulk(String userId, long transactionId, String createDate, byte[] bulkFrame)
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
createDatecreated date of content
bulkFrameraw data
Descriptionupload or download packet event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnStopped(String userId, long transactionId, String createDate);
userIdupload user's id
transactionIdupload transactionId unique id
createDatecreated date of content
Descriptionupload or downloa stop event
Common library version5.0.x


void OnError(int errCode, String jsonParams)
errCodeerror code. not defined
jsonParamsextended parameters
Descriptionfired error
Common library version5.0.x


void OnExtenedEvent(String cmdName, String jsonParams)
cmdNamecommend name. not defined
jsonParamsextended parameters
DescriptionFired an extended event
Common library version5.0.x