Reference of ProPTT2 OpenAPI

Description of ProPTT2 OpenAPI.


Get Server URL

Get server's URL for company.

1) request
Method POST
URL https://{CloudURL or YourServer's URL}/openapi/1/server

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
idstring company owner's id(email)mandatory
hidnumber source host id(1~10). Cutomer can select the value. Customer can have 10 hosts to connect OpenAPI.mandatory

Example :

    "id" : "",
    "hid" : 1
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
ServerURLstring API server's URLmandatory
Randstring API server's Random numbermandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

403Request forbidden. parameter invalid

Example :

    "ServerURL": ""
    "Rand": "452673a34b"

Get Session Key

After "/server" call, you have to call this just one time. Server's Random number will be reset.

1) request
Method POST
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/auth

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
idstring company owner's id(ProPTT2 ID)mandatory
hidnumber source host id(1~10) in server command.mandatory
authKeystring Lowercase(Base16(Sha512(Rand + '-' + company's interaction key))) mandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
If Rand=12345678, interacionKey="bb00cc"
= "7aeaef20455f726d8aa464c4fd57f670657dfea039585e7a6a1e5889537956a43f3a4600ee7eef

[ Java sample code ]
public static String encryptSha512(String str) {
	String eip;  
	byte[] bip; 
	String resultStr = ""; 
	try { 
		MessageDigest sha512 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); 
		bip = sha512.digest(str.getBytes());
		for (int i=0; i < bip.length; i++) { 
			eip = "" + Integer.toHexString((int)bip[i] & 0x000000ff); 
			if (eip.length() < 2) eip = "0" + eip; 
			resultStr = resultStr + eip; 
	} catch(Exception e) { 
	return resultStr;

String myAuthKey = encryptSha512("12345678-bb00cc");

[ PHP sample code ]
$authKey = strtolower(hash("sha512", "12345678-bb00cc"));

Example :

    "id": "",
    "hid" : 1,
    "authKey": "452673a34b"
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
sessionkeystring session key. In server 3.1.2, this sesstion has 10 minute timeout. You can refer to the keepalive API.mandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

401Authentication failure
403Request forbidden. parameter invalid

Example :


Keep Alive

This is for keeping session key. Please call this every 3 minute to keet seesion time.

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 3.1.2 ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/keepalive?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

401Authentication failure
403Request forbidden. parameter invalid


Get Channel List

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
channels channel list
idnumber channel's IDmandatory
nostring channel's Nomandatory
namestring channel's namemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "no" : "34",
            "name" : "abc"
            "id" : 2,
            "no" : "23",
            "name" : "efg"

Get Channel Count

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber channel countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :


Create Channel

1) request
Method POST
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
nostring channel's No, It must be uniquemandatory
namestring channel's namemandatory
descriptionstring channel's description
notificationstring channel's notification
TOTnumberTime Over Time(10 ~ 600)default 30
recordablebooleanIs recordable in client-side?default true
encryptedbooleanIs encrypted channel (Required Server 2.2.8 ~)default false
shareLocationsbooleanIs location shared channel (Required Server 3.3.0 ~)default false
statusnumber10:Normal, 80:Stopped (Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
dispatcherControlbooleancontrolled by dispatcher (Required Server 8.1.1 ~)

Example :

    "no" : 123,
    "name": "abc",
    "description":"this is a good channel."
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idnumbercreated channel's IDmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
412Precondition failed, No is duplicated
500Internal error

Example :


Get Channel

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
nostring channel's Nomandatory
namestring channel's namemandatory
descriptionstring channel's descriptionmandatory
notificationstring channel's notificationmandatory
TOTnumberTime Over Timemandatory
recordablebooleanIs recordable?mandatory
encryptedbooleanIs encrypted (Required Server 2.2.8 ~)mandatory
shareLocationsbooleanIs location shared channel (Required Server 3.3.0 ~)
leadernumberleader's user idmandatory
statusnumber10:Normal, 80:Stopped (Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
modifiedbooleanIs modified (Required Server 7.1.3 ~)
dispatcherControlbooleancontrolled by dispatcher (Required Server 8.1.1 ~)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

    "no" : 123,
    "description":"this is a good channel."

Update Channel

1) request
Method PUT
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to update
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
namestring channel's name
descriptionstring channel's description
notificationstring channel's notification
TOTnumberTime Over Time(10 ~ 600)default 30
statusnumber10:Normal, 80:Stopped (Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
dispatcherControlbooleancontrolled by dispatcher (Required Server 8.1.1 ~)

Example :

    "name": "abc",
    "description":"this is a good channel.",
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Delete Channel

1) request
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to delete
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Purge All Channels

All channel information of Relay servers will be synced. Please note it could not be safe if it is called on service.

1) request (Required Server 7.1.3 ~)
Method POST
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/purgeAll?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Link User To Channel

1) request
Method POST
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to be link
uid user's ID to be linked. If the user is linked already, the link would be updated
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
rolenumberuser's role, 10:normal,20:Receiver,90:Operator, (Required Server 3.2.0 ~)default 10
3) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Update User Of Channel

1) request
Method PUT
Required Server 5.1.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to be updated
uid user's ID to be updated
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
rolenumberuser's role, 10:normal,20:Receiver,90:Operatordefault 10

Example :

    "role": 10
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Unlink User To Channel

1) request
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to be unlink
uid user's ID to be unlinked
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Get Users Of Channel

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/users?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
users user listmandatory
idnumber user's IDmandatory
strIdstring user's ProPTT2 ID(email)mandatory
namestring user's namemandatory
typenumberuser's type. 20: ProGate, 21: SIP device, 50: Normal, 70: Channel Leader, 80: Dispatcher, 90:Manager (Required Server 3.0.1 ~)mandatory
rolenumberuser's role, 10:normal,20:Receiver,90:Operator, (Required Server 3.2.0 ~)default 10
levelnumber user's level id(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
emailstring user's email(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "strId" : "abc@company.ptt",
            "name" : "abc",
            "type" : 50,
            "role" : 10
            "id" : 2,
            "strId" : "efg@company.ptt",
            "name" : "efg",
            "type" : 50,
            "role" : 20

Get User Count of Channel

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/users/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber user countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Get Records Of Channel(Server 2.2.8~)

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/records?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based
pageSize size to get

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
records record listmandatory
idnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: AudioPTT, 20:VideoPTT, 31:VideoSharedmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
fileSizenumber file size(KB)mandatory
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "fileSize" : 32,
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02"
            "id" : 2,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 20,
            "fileSize" : 40,
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:45:02"

Get Record Count of Channel

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/records/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber record countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Get Uploads Of Channel(Server 9.2.1~)

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/uploads?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start upload index. 0 based
pageSize size to get

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
uploads upload listmandatory
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
seqnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: Normalmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
playTimenumber play time. secondmandatory
fileTypenumber file type, 10: Video, Audio, 30:Picturemandatory
locationnumber channel nomandatory
startDatestring started date for all recordsmandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 1,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02"
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 2,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:30:02"

Get Upload Count of Channel

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.2.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/uploads/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber upload countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send a sync event to Channel

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 5.1.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/sync?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to be synced
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send a message to Channel

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 1.2.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/sendMessage?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
messageIdnumber message's idmandatory
messageContentstring message to be sent. messageContent=Base64(message)

Example :

    "messageId": 1,
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send a SOS to Channel

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 2.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/sendSOS?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send an alert to Channel

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 2.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/sendAlert?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
messageIdnumber message's idmandatory
messageTypenumber message's type. 0:Generalmandatory
messageContentstring message to be sent. messageContent=Base64(message)

Example :

    "messageId": 1,
    "messageType": 0,
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send a custom message to Channel

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 2.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/channels/{cid}/sendCustomMessage?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
cid channel's ID to get
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
messageIdnumber message's idmandatory
messageContentstring message to be sent. messageContent=Base64(message)

Example :

    "messageId": 1,
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :



Get User List

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
users user listmandatory
idnumber user's IDmandatory
strIdstring user's ProPTT2 ID(email)mandatory
namestring user's namemandatory
typestringuser's type. 20: ProGate, 21: SIP device, 50: Normal, 70: Channel Leader, 80: Dispatcher, 90:Manager (Required Server 3.0.1 ~)mandatory
latitudestringuser's last latitude. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
longitudestringuser's last longitude. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
locationDatestringlast update date of user's location. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
levelnumber user's level id(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
emailstring user's email(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "strId" : "abc@company.ptt",
            "name" : "abc",
            "type" : 50,
            "locationDate":"2016-07-21 05:42:35"
            "id" : 2,
            "strId" : "efg@company.ptt",
            "name" : "efg",
            "type" : 50,
            "locationDate":"2016-07-22 03:22:33"

Get User Count

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber user countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :


Create User

1) request
Method POST
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
strIdstringuser's ProPTT2 id. Don't have domain namemandatory
hashedPasswordstringLowercase(Base16(Sha512(user's password)))mandatory
namenumberuser's namemandatory
typenumberuser's type. 50: Normal, 70: Channel Leader, 80: Dispatcher, 90:Manager (Required Server 3.0.1 ~)mandatory
emailstringuser's email
descriptionstringuser's description
levelnumber user's level id. default is 1. The id must be in adminWeb.(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)

Example :

    "strId": "abc@company.ptt",
    "hashedPassword": "c321ba878",
    "name": "abc",
    "type": 50,
    "email": "",
    "description":"team leader"
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idnumbercreated user's IDmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
403Forbidden. Invalid Access
406Not Acceptable. Would be license limitation
412Precondition failed. Would be already same ID
500Internal error

Example :


Get User

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
uid user's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idnumberuser's IDmandatory
strIdstringuser's ProPTT2 id(email)mandatory
namestringuser's namemandatory
typenumberuser's type. 20: ProGate, 21: SIP device, 50: Normal, 70: Channel Leader, 80: Dispatcher, 90:Manager (Required Server 3.0.1 ~)mandatory
emailstringuser's email
descriptionstringuser's description
latitudestringuser's last latitude. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
longitudestringuser's last longitude. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
locationDatestringlast update date of user's location. (Required Server 1.2.x ~)
levelnumber user's level id(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

    "strId": "abc@company.ptt",
    "name": "abc",
    "type": 50,
    "email": "",
    "description":"team leader",
    "locationDate":"2016-07-21 05:42:35"

Update User

1) request
Method PUT
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
uid user's ID to be updated
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
namestringuser's name
typenumberuser's type. 50: Normal, 70: Channel Leader, 80: Dispatcher, 90:Manager (Required Server 3.0.1 ~)
hashedPasswordstringLowercase(Base16(Sha512(user's password)))
emailstringuser's email
descriptionstringuser's description
authTokenstringuser's authToken for second authentication (Required Server 2.2.8 ~)
levelnumberuser's level id. The id must be in adminWeb.(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
latitudedoubleuser's last latitude. (Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
longitudedoubleuser's last longitude. (Required Server 5.1.0 ~)

Example :

    "email": "",
    "name": "abc",
    "description":"team leader"
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Delete User

1) request
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
uid user's ID to be deleted
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Send a message to User

1) request
Method POST
Required Server 1.2.x ~, SDK 1.2.x ~, Client 1.3.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}/sendMessage?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
uid user's ID to be received
id company owner's id(email). It is a sender.
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body :

field nametypedescriptionoption
messageIdnumber message's idmandatory
messageContentstring message to be sent. messageContent=Base64(message)

Example :

    "messageId": 1,
2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found-Receiver
500Internal error

Example :


Get Channel List of User

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}/channels?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
channels channel list
idnumber channel's IDmandatory
nostring channel's Nomandatory
namestring channel's namemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "no" : "34",
            "name" : "abc"
            "id" : 2,
            "no" : "23",
            "name" : "efg"

Get Channel Count of User

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{id}/channels/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber channel countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Get Upload List of User

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.2.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{uid}/uploads?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start upload index. 0 based.
pageSize size to get.

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
uploads upload list
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
seqnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: Normalmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
channelIdnumber PTT channel IDmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
playTimenumber play time. secondmandatory
fileTypenumber file type, 10: Video, Audio, 30:Picturemandatory
locationnumber channel nomandatory
startDatestring started date for all recordsmandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 1,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "channelId" : 1,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02"
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 2,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:30:02"

Get Upload Count of User

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.2.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/users/{id}/uploads/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber channel countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :



Get Organization List

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/organizations?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
organizations radio listmandatory
idnumber organization's IDmandatory
parentIdnumber organization's parent ID. if parent ID is zero, it is root.mandatory
namestring organization's namemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "parentId" : 0,
            "name" : "abc"
            "id" : 2,
            "parentId" : 1,
            "name" : "efg"

Get Organization Count

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/organizations/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber organization countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :


Get Organization

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/organizations/{oid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
oid organization's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idstringorganization's idmandatory
parentIdstringorganization's parentIdmandatory
namestringorganization's namemandatory
descriptionstringorganization's description
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

    "parentId" : 0,
    "name": "abc",

Get Users Of Organization

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/organizations/{oid}/users?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
oid organization's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional
pageSize size to get. Server 9.0.x~ required. Optional

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
users user listmandatory
idnumber user's IDmandatory
strIdstring user's ProPTT2 ID(email)mandatory
namestring user's namemandatory
levelnumber user's level id(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
phoneNumberstring user's phoneNumber(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
emailstring user's email(Required Server 5.1.0 ~)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "strId" : "abc@company.ptt",
            "name" : "abc"
            "id" : 2,
            "strId" : "efg@company.ptt",
            "name" : "efg"

Get User Count of Organization

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/organizations/{id}/users/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber user countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :


Record (Server 2.2.8~)

Get Record List

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/records?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start record index. 0 based
pageSize size to get

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
records record listmandatory
idnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: AudioPTT, 20:VideoPTT, 31:VideoSharedmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
fileSizenumber file size(KB)mandatory
channelIdnumber channel idmandatory
channelNonumber channel nomandatory
channelNamestring channel's namemandatory
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
500Internal error

Example :

            "id" : 1,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "fileSize" : 32,
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "channelId" : 1,
            "channelNo" : 1,
            "channelName" : "channel name",
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02"
            "id" : 2,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 20,
            "fileSize" : 40,
            "channelId" : 1,
            "channelNo" : 1,
            "channelName" : "channel name",
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:45:02"

Get Record Count

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/records/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber record countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :


Get Record by VideoChannelId

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.0.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/records/byVideoChannelId/{videoChannelId}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
videoChannelId record's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: AudioPTT, 20:VideoPTT, 31:VideoSharedmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
fileSizenumber file size(KB)mandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
filepathstring recorded file pathmandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

    "id" : 2,
    "type" : 10,
    "status" : 20,
    "fileSize" : 40,
    "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:45:02",
    "filepath" : "/proptt2/record/vid/20171104/ptt-userid.vid"

Get Record

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/records/{rid}?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
rid record's ID to get
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
idnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: AudioPTT, 20:VideoPTT, 31:VideoSharedmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
fileSizenumber file size(KB)mandatory
channelIdnumber channel idmandatory
channelNonumber channel nomandatory
channelNamestring channel's namemandatory
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
filepathstring recorded file pathmandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
404Not Found
500Internal error

Example :

    "id" : 2,
    "type" : 10,
    "status" : 20,
    "fileSize" : 40,
    "channelId" : 1,
    "channelNo" : 1,
    "channelName" : "channel name",
    "ownerId" : 1,
    "ownerName" : "owner name",
    "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:45:02",
    "filepath" : "/proptt2/record/ptt/20171104/ptt-userid.ptt"

Upload (Server 9.2.1~)

Get Upload List

1) request
Method GET
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/uploads?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey
start start upload index. 0 based
pageSize size to get

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
uploads upload listmandatory
ownerIdnumber owner idmandatory
seqnumber record's IDmandatory
typenumber 10: Normalmandatory
statusnumber 10: Normalmandatory
channelIdnumber PTT channel IDmandatory
ownerNamestring owner's namemandatory
playTimenumber play time. secondmandatory
fileTypenumber file type, 10: Video, Audio, 30:Picturemandatory
locationnumber channel nomandatory
startDatestring started date for all recordsmandatory
createDatestring created datemandatory
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory

Available error code :

400Bad Request. Would be paramater invalid
500Internal error

Example :

            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 1,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "channelId" : 1,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02"
            "ownerId" : 1,
            "seq" : 2,
            "type" : 10,
            "status" : 10,
            "ownerName" : "owner name",
            "playTime" : 60,
            "fileType" : 10,
            "location" : "132.827|37.3424",
            "startDate" : "2017-11-02 04:29:02",
            "createDate" : "2017-11-02 04:30:02"

Get Upload Count

1) request
Method GET
Required Server 9.2.x ~
URL {ServerURL}/openapi/1/Uploads/count?id={userid}&hid={hostid}&skey={sessionkey}
id company owner's id(email)
hid source host id(1~10) in auth command
skey server's sessionkey

Body : Nothing

2) response
field nametypedescriptionoption
countnumber record countmandatory(If success)
codestringresult. "200" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)
messagestringresult. "OK" is successmandatory(Server 9.0.x~)

Available error code :

500Internal error

Example :



- Base16, Base64 : RFC 3548(