Global network

We need to have multi-server farm to route PTT in global network.

Server Farms

Belows are possible areas to use in 1st tier.

AmericaNorth Virginia, Oregon, North California, São Paulo
AsiaKorea, Japan, Singapore, Sidney

In 2nd tier, we can choice number of areas.


Sometimes PTT packet need to route to another server farm.

GLB(Global Load Balancing)

Client can select a edge PTT server by GeoIP automatically.

PTT Relay

PTT packet can be relay over nations by PTT relay sserver.

Relay servers can use global latency information and manual path.

Integration with ADN

Usually a global company need to communicate with overseas corporations. Then PTT latency would be important.

ADN solution can be considered for it.

These days we are investigating with ADN solution company.(ATLAS networks's XDN solution)