1.1.4 Installation trouble shooting

1. Installation failure

2. Connection failure

After server package installation, first trouble would be client's connection failure.

2.1 Check list

  • Check whether servers are started normally?
  • Check whether ports are opened?
  • Check hostnames are same?
  • After server's external IP changing, do you restart all server?
  • Android OS version - Marshmallow has a problem to connect to 1.1.4.
  • There could be PTT server's provioning failure at start time.

2.2 Check whether servers are started normally?

You need to check whether servers are opened. We recommand to use telnet client to test it in server in-side.
If there is a problem, you need to check server starting.

2.3 Check whether ports are opened?

You need to check whether ports are opened. Client is using below ports.
443, 41322, 41323, 41324, 41342
We recommand to use telnet client to test it in external computer.
If there is a problem, you need to check network. (Firewall, Port-forwarding etc)

Sometimes server system use IPv6 by default. Then servers are binded to IPv6. You can check it by below command.
In this case, when server is started, you need to set up the Java option. "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
The option need to be added at java run command in each server's startup script file. (start-server.bat/start-server.sh, Tomcat's catalina.bat/catalina.sh)

2.4 Check hostnames are same?

Thare are 3 hostnames. They must be all same.
- server name od server in adminWeb.
- hostname in server machine.
- hostname in /etc/hosts file in server machine.
ProPTT2 servers check information by hostname.

2.5 Marshmallow has a problem to connect to java6.

Marshmallow has a issue related with SSL cipher suites.
If you are using java6 in server-side, you need to change Tomcat's configuration.
After modification Tomcat's configuration, please restart adminWeb of ProPTT2.

2.6 There could be PTT server's provioning failure at start time.

Please restart only PTT server.

2.7 Internally the app can access the server but when we try to access from the outside using our WAN IP we can't connect.

If there is no firewall issue, you have to change ProPTT2 server's exteral IP to public IP.
It can be changed at server setup in adminWeb and need to restart all servers.