Customizing MAP of PC Client

You can modify Map of ProPTT2 PC client by modification html file in the installed directory.
If you want to use your map engine, you can change it by modification of the files.
Location Map and Tracking Map are only for enterprise server version.
If you can change the html files, you can support local map service.
* This guide is required the web development skill.

1. Google Map API key

You have to input Google Map API key in map html files to use Google Map.
Please refer to But you can use OpenStreetMap instead of Google Map.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>				

2. PTT Location Map

The html is PTTMap.htm {PC client installed directory}. (PC Client 4.0.0~)
This is for showing the location of user when PTT is fired.

Below java script functions are called by ProPTT2 client.

function namedescription
movePosmove to PTT location
external.mapLoadedDocumentwhen document loading is complete, notify to PC client.

3. Search Location Map

The html is PTTSearchMap.htm {PC client installed directory}. (PC Client 4.0.0~)
This is for searching the location to be sent.

Below java script functions are called by ProPTT2 client.

function namedescription
movePosmove to center
external.mapLoadedDocumentwhen document loading is complete, notify to PC client.
external.mapChangedLocationwhen user select a location, notify to PC client.

4. Location Map

The html is LocationMap.htm {PC client installed directory}.
This is for showing the location of users for dispatcher.

Below java script functions are called by ProPTT2 client.

function namedescription
addMarkeradd user's location on map
movePosmove to center
enablePinenable user's click pin
disablePindisable user's click pin
clearLocationsclear locations on map
external.mapLoadedDocumentwhen document loading is complete, notify to PC client.
external.mapClickedUserwhen user click a maker, notify to PC client.
external.mapDoubleClickedUserwhen user doulne-click a maker, notify to PC client.

5. Icons of the Location Map

The icon images are on {PC client installed directory}\images.
If you make a icon image for user, it will be appeared on the Location Map.
The file name must be {userid}0.png and {userid}1.png. (ex aa@aa.com0.png, aa@aa.com1.png)
1 means that user was activated in 1 hour.

6. Tracking Map

The html is TrackingMap.htm {PC client installed directory}.
This is for showing the locations of an user for dispatcher.

Below java script functions are called by ProPTT2 client.

function namedescription
addMarkeradd user's location on map
movePosmove to center
enablePinenable user's click pin
disablePindisable user's click pin
clearLocationsclear locations on map
external.mapLoadedDocumentwhen document loading is complete, notify to PC client.