CustomMessage Format for ProPTT2

ProPTT2 client is using CustomMessage for special features.(especially sending picture)
ProPTT2 developer can use this format for ProPTT2 client and their clients.
Please refer to

1. Format structure

CustomMessage = Custom Message Basic header + { Chunking header } + Custom Message header + Custom Data

2. Custom Message Basic header

CommandByteRequest command
0x02~0x9F: Reserved for ProPTT2
0xA0~0xFF: User command. Other client can use this command.
ContentTypeByte0:Single message, 1:Chunked message
MsgIDShort(2Bytes)You can decide it.

3. Chunking header

CurrChunkShort(2Bytes)Current index, 1~ChunkCount
ChunkCountShort(2Bytes)Total chunk count.

4. Custom Message header


TypeByteImage format
0x01: BMP
0x02: JPEG
0x03: PNG
ReservedByteMust be 0x00
ReservedByteMust be 0x00
ReservedByteMust be 0x00

The custom data must be a image file.
Custom Message Basic header + Chunking header + Custom Message header + Image file data.

< iOS sample for image receiving >

-(void) onPublicCustomMessageRecevied : (PTTChannel*) channelInstance senderID : (NSString*) senderID senderName : (NSString*) senderName dataBuffer : (unsigned char*) dataBuffer dataLength : (int) dataLength
    if([[ProvisionTokenRepository getInstance] provChat] == nil || ([[ProvisionTokenRepository getInstance] provChat] != nil && ![[[ProvisionTokenRepository getInstance] provChat] isEqualToString:@"0"]))
			if(![senderID isEqualToString:_myID])
				if(dataLength >= 16)
					char command = dataBuffer[0];
					switch (command) {
					case 0x01:
							char contentType = dataBuffer[1];
							if((contentType & 0x01) > 0) // chunked
								short msgID = ( dataBuffer[2] << 8 | dataBuffer[3]);
								short currChunk = ( dataBuffer[4] << 8 | dataBuffer[5]);
								short chunkCount = ( dataBuffer[6] << 8 | dataBuffer[7]);
								char type = dataBuffer[8];
								NSString *suffix = @"";
								if(type == 1)
									suffix = @".bmp";
									return; // not support current
								else if(type == 2){
									suffix = @".jpg";
								else if(type == 3){
									suffix = @".png";

								NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",[_photoFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]],suffix];
								NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:dataBuffer+12 length:dataLength-12];
								NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%d",senderID,msgID];
								NSData* photo = [self combinePhotoChunkkey photoData:data currChunk:currChunk chunkSize:chunkCount];
								if(photo != nil)
									dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

										if([self isNeedToShowChatNoti])
											[PTTNotification showSentImage:senderName channel:self];

										UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:photo];
										[_repository savePhotoImageSync:path image:image];
										NSArray *records = [self insertChatNewMessage:_client.provisionServerURI account:_myID message:nil channelID:_channel.channelID userID:senderID userName:senderName cellType:ChatCellTypeReceiverPhoto path:path fileSize:[photo length] imageState:ImageStateCompleted width:image.size.width height:image.size.height location:@""];

										for(NSManagedObject *record in records)
											id channelDelegate = [self getVisibleDelegate];
											if([channelDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:senderID:senderName:dataBuffer:dataLength:)])
												[channelDelegate onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:self senderID:senderID senderName:senderName dataBuffer:dataBuffer dataLength:dataLength];
											if([channelDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:managedObject:)])
												[channelDelegate onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:self managedObject:record];
											if([_channelDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:senderID:senderName:dataBuffer:dataLength:)])
												[_channelDelegate onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:self senderID:senderID senderName:senderName dataBuffer:dataBuffer dataLength:dataLength];
											if([_channelDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:managedObject:)])
												[_channelDelegate onPublicCustomMessageRecevied:self managedObject:record];

-(NSData*) combinePhotoChunk(NSString*) msgID photoData : (NSData*) data currChunk : (short) currChunk chunkSize : (short) chunkSize
    NSMutableDictionary *photoData = [_photoMap objectForKey:msgID];
    if(photoData == nil)
        photoData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        [_photoMap setObject:photoData forKey:msgID];

    [photoData setObject:data forKey:@(currChunk)];
    if([photoData count] == chunkSize)
        NSMutableData *result = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
        for(NSInteger i=0; i < chunkSize; ++i)
            NSData *segment = [photoData objectForKey:@(i+1)];
            [result appendData:segment];

        [_photoMap removeObjectForKey:msgID];
        return result;

    return nil;