FAQ of ProPTT2 OpenAPI
Belows are FAQs of ProPTT2 OpenAPI.
Q. What does it mean company owner's id(email) at server API?
In adminWeb, Your company has owner account(owner usr's ProPTT2 ID). He is not administrator. By default, it would be admin@ourcompany.com.
The owner can manage users and channels on adminWeb.
Q. There is 500 error at server API?
api /openapi/1/server?id=admin@ourcompany.com&hid=1
HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is net.sf.json.JSONException: JSONObject["id"] not found.
OpenAPI use JSON body. The request was just URL parameter.
So you have to use JSON body. Please check OpenAPI reference.
Q. How can I get the interactionKey?
In adminWeb, you can input a interactionKey to use OpenAPI.
The interactionKey is like a password. You can input it youself.