Get started

basic guide to build your PTT app.

Project setup

Download SDK


Generate a license key.

Generate a free license

Setup app project with the SDK's library.

iOS project setup.

Add 3 links in "Other Linker Flags".

  • ObjC
  • all_load
  • lc++

Add framworks and librarys in "Link Binary With Libraries".

  • CoreTelephony.framework
  • CoreAudio.framework
  • AudioToolbox.framebox
  • libProPTTSDK.a
  • CoreVideo.framework
  • CoreLocation.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • CoreMedia.framework
  • VideoToolbox.framework
  • SystemConfiguration.framework

Android project setup.

Add two config at build.gradle.

        dirs 'libs'

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ('com.imptt.propttsdk:propttsdk:1.1.3@aar')

Window project setup.

We are using Visual Studio 2013 on only x86 mode.
In case of C++ SDK, the minimum OS is Windows7. C# is Windows 8.1.

Linux project setup.

gcc is supported.

Setup information

Set the license key and server's IP and port.(In case of cloud service, don't input server address)

Build and run.

Server setup

Steps for cloud service

Create admin account and company

Purchase cloud service on

Connect to admin web

Connect to admin web to verify your account.

Create account and channels to testing through admin web.

Create channels

Create users

Link channel and user

Steps for ProPTT2 server package.

Create account and company

Purchase trial server package on

Setup the server package

Setup the server package on your server.

Connect to admin web

Connect to admin web to verify your account and take a machine key on setup page.

Generate a license key

Generate a license key on and input the license on setup page.

Create account and channels to testing through admin web.

Create channels

Create users

Link channel and user