Reference of ICryptManager

Description of ICryptManager. It is to support an external cryption module.




int isCMInitialized()
Return1: initialized, 0< uninitialized
DescriptionCheck initialization
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


boolean canSupportPTT()
DescriptionWhether PTT encription is supported
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


boolean canSupportChat()
DescriptionWhether Chat encription is supported
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


boolean canSupportLocation()
DescriptionWhether Location encription is supported
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


boolean canSupportVideoShare()
DescriptionWhether VideoShare encription is supported
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


void beginPTT(int pttChannelId, int index)
pttChannelIdlocked channelId
indexlocked session index, 0:normal session, 1:master session
DescriptionPTT lock is started
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] encryptPTT(int pttChannelId, int index, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returnencrypted data buffer. It need to have 16 bytes block padded.
pttChannelIdlocked channelId
indexlocked session index, 0:normal session, 1:master session
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptionencrypt PTT packet. The output need to have 16 bytes padding.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] decryptPTT(int pttChannelId, int index, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returndecrypted data buffer. It would be same with inputDataLength.
pttChannelIdlocked channelId
indexlocked session index, 0:normal session, 1:master session
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptiondecrypt PTT packet. The padding will be removed at outside of this function.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


void endPTT(int pttChannelId, int index)
pttChannelIdlocked channelId
indexlocked session index, 0:normal session, 1:master session
DescriptionPTT lock is stopped
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


void beginVideoShare(int videoChannelId, VideoChannel videoInstance)
videoChannelIdvideo channelId
videoInstanceannouncer or player's object instance
DescriptionVideoShare is started
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] encryptVideoShare(int videoChannelId, VideoChannel videoInstance, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returnencrypted data buffer. It need to have 16 bytes block padded.
videoChannelIdvideo channelId
videoInstanceannouncer or player's object instance
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptionencrypt VideoShare packet. The output need to have 16 bytes padding.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] decryptVideoShare(int videoChannelId, VideoChannel videoInstance, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returndecrypted data buffer. It would be same with inputDataLength.
videoChannelIdvideo channelId
videoInstanceannouncer or player's object instance
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptiondecrypt VideoShare packet. The padding will be removed at outside of this function.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


void endVideoShare(int videoChannelId, VideoChannel videoInstance)
videoChannelIdvideo channelId
videoInstanceannouncer or player's object instance
DescriptionVideoShare is stopped
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] encryptOther(CryptoType type, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returnencrypted data buffer. It need to have 16 bytes block padded.
typeinput packet type. Chat/Location
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptionencrypt other packet. The output need to have 16 bytes padding.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet


byte[] decryptOther(CryptoType type, byte[] inputData, int inputDataOffset, int inputDataLength)
Returndecrypted data buffer. It would be same with inputDataLength.
typeinput packet type. Chat/Location
inputDatainput data buffer
inputDataOffsetinput data offset
inputDataLengthinput data length
Descriptiondecrypt other packet. The padding will be removed at outside of this function.
Android SDK5.0.1
iOS SDKNot supported
Windows SDK5.0.1
Linux SDKNot supported yet