The first PTT program
HelloPTT is a basic program for PTT service. It is developed by using ProPTT's client SDK.
There are very simple features.
We'd like that you can understand PTT programming through ProPTT2 SDK
Linux version supports CLI UI.
Please check Get Started
- Login to ProPTT2
- View channel list
- Join and leave a PTT chhannel
- Lock and unlock on joined PTT channel
Please check Get Started
Test accounts
ProPTT2 cloud service support test account for HelloPTT. ~
It is only for testing. Please don't use them for service.
Description about source files.
- It is control module for PTTClient, PTTChannel, Group and VideoChannel.
- Process basic functions(log-in, log-out, channel, member, buddy, organization, lock, unlock) and fire events to UI about the response.
- You need to input the SDK license at initialization.
- After log-in, when buddy list and organization are received, UI move to ChannelListView.
- If there is problem(means account is not collect ir license is invalid or network is unavailable), screen can't move to next.
- Show channel list. There are channel's name and subscriber's count.
- If user click a channel, then join to the channel and move into Channel detail view.
- In channel detail view, user can use PTT lock/unlock.
- If user click "Back buttom", channel isleaved and move to ChannelListView.
Description about source files.
- It is control module for PTTClient, PTTChannel, Group and VideoChannel.
- Process basic functions(log-in, log-out, channel, member, buddy, organization, lock, unlock) and fire events to UI about the response.
- You need to input the SDK license at initialization.
- After log-in, when buddy list and organization are received, UI move to ChannelListView.
- If there is problem(means account is not collect ir license is invalid or network is unavailable), screen can't move to next.
- Show channel list. There are channel's name and subscriber's count.
- If user click a channel, then join to the channel and move into Channel detail view.
- In channel detail view, user can use PTT lock/unlock.
- If user click "Back buttom", channel isleaved and move to ChannelListView.
Description about source files.
- It is control module for PTTClient, PTTChannel, Group and VideoChannel.
- Process basic functions(log-in, log-out, channel, member, buddy, organization, lock, unlock) and fire events to UI about the response.
- You need to input the SDK license at initialization.
- After log-in, when buddy list and organization are received, UI move to ChannelListView.
- If there is problem(means account is not collect ir license is invalid or network is unavailable), screen can't move to next.
- Show channel list. There are channel's name and subscriber's count.
- If user click a channel, then join to the channel and move into Channel detail view.
- In channel detail view, user can use PTT lock/unlock.
- If user click "Back buttom", channel isleaved and move to ChannelListView.
Description about source files.
- The main function is in here.
- Main login is signal processing.
- You need to input the SDK license at initialization.
- Here is the main logig for ProPTT2.
- And main menu for a user.
- Login/Channel list/Join to a channel/Lock/Unlock/Leave/Quit.
- Sha512 function for ProPTT2 password