Best way to install Main Server 2 at CentOS7
- CentOS7 64bit
- JDK SE 1.8 in CentOS7.
- Edge, Chrome
Use root account
- OS, Apache and Java is not in ProPTT2 package, To know the detail information of installation, please contact to the product's homepage.
1. Install Linux
1.1 Check your server machine specification. refer recommended specification.
1.2 Install CentOS7 64bit as a Basic server.
1.3 Setup system time as GMT0 and sync by ntp.(see Timezone setup in Common)
1.4 Check 80, 443 ports are already opened. If httpd is started, we can't open 80 and 443 port. You have to stop the HTTPD. (see FAQ in Common)
1.5 Enable SELinux
2. Setup hostname
2.1 Setup hostname.
2.2 Modify hosts file(see Java installation in Common)
3. Decompress ProPTT2's tar
Destination directory is recommended with /svc/proptt.
4. Install Apache
4.1 Install Apache by yum.(see Apache installation in Common).
4.2 Add 8080, 8088, 40080, 40443 port in httpd.conf
If SELinux is enabled, open the port
5. Install mod_ssl and setup SSL
You must remove default_virtualhost_443 in ssl.conf
6. Install mod_jk to link Apache and Tomcat
Download for Apache2.2 and CentOS6.7/6.8 64bit.
Download for Apache2.4 and CentOS7 64bit.
if don't work, you can compile it.
configure mod_jk is IP of main server 1.
They are clustered.
Please note if L4 switch has RoundRobin, worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session must be 0.
If SELinux is enabled, enable module
7. Setup virtual hosts in Apache
default crt and key file are in ProPTT.
It would be {proptt}/apache-tomcat/tls/proptt.crt.
ex) /svc/ent-package/apache-tomcat/tls/proptt.crt
the proptt.crt and proptt.key must be copied to /etc/httpd/conf.d/certs/
8. Setup firewall
Open ports in firewall.(see Firewall setup in Common)
TCP in : 80, 443, 8070, 8071, 8080, 8088, 40080, 40443, 41000, 41022, 41322, 41323, 41324, 41331, 41332, 41341, 41372
UDP in : 41323, 41324
9. Setup database
9.1 check
verify username and password for DB
9.2 run check_db
if there is no Java in system, please install Java. yum install java-1.8.x-openjdk.x86_64
10. Run ProPTT2
11. Setup Lecense
11.1 open server's URL by web brawser. (https://yourserverip:40443/)
11.2 login admin/1234
11.3 click servers on top-menu.
11.4 click a host on servers-menu.
11.5 check a hostname and IP of main 1 on host-menu. If there is wrong, you need to modify it.
11.6 check a hostname and IP of main 2 on host-menu. If there is wrong, you need to modify it.
11.7 click setup on top-menu.
11.8 copy a machine key.
11.9 generate a license key at
11.10 iuput the license key on setup page.
11.11 check default users on users page.
12. Restart ProPTT2
adminWeb have to be restarted. The main 1 also have to be restarted. After 1 minute, start servers. The main 1 also have to be restarted.
13. Test ProPTT2
13.1 Use ProPTT2 clients(Android/iPhone).
13.2 Setup your server's IP on setup at log-in screen and test.
13.3 Login with in log-in screen.