The best way to install at Raspberry Pi 3


  • NOOBS 32bit
  • MySQL 5.5
  • JDK SE 1.8 in NOOBS.
  • Edge, Chrome
  • Use sudo account

  • OS, DB and Java is not in ProPTT2 package, To know the detail information of installation, please contact to the product's homepage.

1. Install NOOBS

1.1 Install NOOBS in Raspberry Pi 3. refer raspberrypi documentation.
1.2 Setup system time as GMT0 and sync by ntp.

2. Install DB

2.1 Install MySQL by apt-get
2.2 The timezone must be GMT0.
Create database for ProPTT2.(see Mysql installation in Common)

3. Setup firewall

Default NOOBS don't use firewall. If you use firewall, you need to open below ports.
TCP in : 8080, 8088, 40080, 40443, 41022, 41322, 41323, 41324
UDP in : 41323, 41324

4. Decompress ProPTT2's tar

5. Setup database

5.1 check
verify username and password for DB
Notice. If DB connection has a problem with access permition, you need to change jdbc.url like a below.
jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://

5.2 run check_db
If there is "Communications link failure", sometimes you need to change jdbc.url to "jdbc:mysql://".

6. Run ProPTT2

7. Setup Lecense

7.1 open server's URL by web brawser. (https://yourserverip:40443/)
(~ Server 3.2.0)8080(HTTPS)/8088(HTTP)
7.2 login admin/1234
7.3 click servers on top-menu.
7.4 click a host on servers-menu.
7.5 check a IP on host-menu. If there is wrong, you need to modify it.
7.6 click setup on top-menu.
7.7 generate a license key at
7.8 iuput the license key on setup page.
7.9 check default users on users page.

9. Restart ProPTT2

You have to check servers are running.

10. Test ProPTT2

10.1 Use ProPTT2 clients(Android/iPhone).
10.2 Setup your server's IP on setup at log-in screen and test.
10.3 Login with in log-in screen.

11. Trouble shooting

Please refer to FAQ page. (Server's FAQ)

12. Customer configuration

Please refer to 'The first step after installation'.